U.S. Census 2000 – Population Trends Mapped
As the numbers are released from the 2000 United States Census, mapping the data helps clarify the nationwide trends in ...
GIS Developments in India – Year 2000 Analysis
The year 2000 was a tremendous time for GIS users in India even though the developments were in a juvenile ...

GIS 2000: A Brief Look Backwards
While anticipating the events of 2001, this article takes a brief look at some of the notable GIS and geospatial events of 2000.

Remote-Sensing Technologies
Remotely-sensed imagery from aircraft and satellites represent one of the fastest-growing sources for raster GIS data.

Campaign 2000 – the Recount
A spatial look at the nail biting vote recount in Florida that will decide the winner of the 2000 U.S. presidential election.