National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS)
Definition: Standards established in 1941 by the U.S. Bureau of the Budget to set accuracy standards for all federally produced ...
Linking MS Access With ArcView 3.x Using Avenue
The two sections of code in this article focus on using Avenue to interact with MS Access to extract and use data with ArcView.

What does it take to support a GIS?
A systems analyst discusses what it takes for the information technology group for a local government to support GIS operations.

Dr. David M. Theobald Talks About His Career in GIS, Issues in GIS Education, and the Use of GIS for Conservation
Dr. David M. Theobald is a Scientist at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado who has been working with GIS since the middle 1980s in the areas of planning, conservation GIS, and landscape ecology.

The Geography Network
Esri launched the Geography Network as a collaborative system for sharing digital geographic information on the internet.