A.J. Rohn

A.J. is a recent graduate of the Geography and Environmental Studies programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a passion for writing and interests in areas ranging from ecology to geosophy to geopolitics. He enjoys the geography of Wisconsin, be it the north woods or city life in Madison. He loves to read research papers in geography, books by scholars like Yi-Fu Tuan and Bill Cronon (both at UW-Madison), as well as classic fiction writers like Thomas Pynchon and Fyodor Dostoevsky. He is very much inspired by the work of all the people he encountered in Madison’s geography department, so expect a wide range of topics when reading his articles here.
Climate change in the Sahel has resulted in dried lakes, unemployed fishermen, droughts, flooding, conflict, and food insecurity. Map: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report on Ecosystems and Human Well-Being Desertification Synthesis.

Climate Change and Development

A.J. Rohn

Researchers with the London School of Economics and Political Science published a report as part of the Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies project that looks into reconciling economic development and poverty alleviation with climate change.

Correlation between extraversion and happiness for woody area and an open, flat area. From: Oishi, Talhelm, and Lee, 2015.

When it Comes to Geography Introverts Prefer Mountains

A.J. Rohn

Researchers wanted to find out if introverts prefer a certain type of topography.