GIS Contributor
Mapping the Sounds of the Ocean
Using hydrophones, scientists convert sound waves to electrical signals to create images of underwater ocean environments.
The Many Uses of Aerial Imagery
Nearmap's Tony Agresta outlines the many applications of aerial imagery, including assessing damage after a disaster, reducing crime, valuing properties, and more.
The Role of UX and UI in GIS
Jeff Siarto of Element 84 talks with the MapScaping Podcast about the evolving role of design in the geospatial industry.
A Look at 3 Trends Shaping Remote Sensing in the Next 5 Years
Ian Berdie of NV5 Geospatial, discusses three trends that will reshape use of remote sensing over the next five years.
AI-assisted Mapping of Crop Fields Using Free Sentinel Imagery
Mapflow offers an AI-driven process to map crop fields in QGIS.