Katarina Samurović
Mega Tree Planting Efforts Around the World
As a response to the global deforestation crisis, many countries, organizations, and influencers have started mega-tree planting projects.
The World’s Biggest Seagrass Restoration Project Is Good News for Marine Life and Climate
Researchers have been conducting the world’s most extensive seagrass meadow restoration.
Study Finds Staggering Decline in Marine Fishery Biomass
A recent global long-term fishery biomass trends evaluation has found an alarming decline in fish populations worldwide.
Rapid Growth Shortens Trees’ Lifespans – and Adds to the Climate Crisis
Researchers have found that trees growing faster due to warming conditions are also dying faster.
WWF Report: Wildlife Has Declined 68% Since 1970
In their latest Living Planet 2020 report, WWF revealed that global wildlife is facing catastrophic decline.