GIS Software

Information about GIS software and applications including both commercial and open source GIS applications. This category covers desktop GIS (Esri’s ArcGIS suite, MapInfo, QGIS, and GRASS) as well as web mapping, GIS apps, mobile GIS, and component GIS.

Java For Newbies – A GIS Perspective

Marco Morais

Learn about what Java is and how to use it in GIS.

Basic Guide to ArcXML

Caitlin Dempsey

With the release of ArcIMS, ESRI’s map server software, GIS users were also introduced to ArcXML.  ArcXML is ESRI’s flavor ...

Java Map Servers and GIS Toolkits – Reporting from JavaOne

Marco Morais

This article comments on some of the Internet map servers and GIS toolkits offered by GIS companies at JavaOne.

How to Create a Password Login For ArcView 3x

Caitlin Dempsey

If you want to require users to login with a password before being able to use ArcView here's a simple way.

Vector GIS Product Categories

Marco Morais

This article categorizes GIS software by use, into four categories: desktop mapping, data viewers, components, and internet mapping.