Human Geography
Human geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of the human population and their cultural, economic, and social interactions with the environment. It examines the distribution of human populations across the globe, the impact of human activity on the natural environment, and the ways in which people use and manage natural resources.
Learn about the different areas of human geography including economic geography, population geography, cultural geography, and more.
Geography is Destiny: Britain and the World | Book Review
Ian Morris provides a most-useful survey history of Britain from geologic time to the present centered around three maps.
Population Center of the United States
Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau maps out the mean and median population centers in the United States.
Continental vs. Contiguous United States: Key Differences Explained
Continental and contiguous are two geographical words used to describe parts of the United States.
Geography Facts: Rhode Island
Learn geography trivia about the smallest state in the United States.