Settlement Geography

Settlement geography is a subdiscipline of human geography that studies the areas of the earth’s surface that have been settled by humans.

Photo of the Espada Acequia in San Antonio, Texas.

Acequias in the Southwest U.S.

Caitlin Dempsey

In New Mexico and other Southwestern states, acequias are channels that are dug to divert water from snow runoff and rivers in order to irrigate fields.

Highest Permanent Settlement in the World

Caitlin Dempsey

Located at 5,000 meters (3 miles) above sea level, La Rinconada in southeastern Peru is the highest permanent settlement in the world.

Erbil Citadel, November 20, 2018, Landsat 8.

The Oldest Continuously Occupied Human Settlement

Caitlin Dempsey

Erbil Citadel, located in the center of Erbil, Iraq, is the oldest continuously occupied human settlement.

These US Towns Each Have Less Than 15 Residents

Elizabeth Borneman

Here are a few smaller than small towns in the United States.