artificial intelligence
Using Visual Search to Find Geographically Similar Features on Satellite Imagery
Descartes Labs recently unveiled its GeoVisual Search application which uses machine learning to visually search satellite imagery for similar geographic features.
GIS and Innovations in Machine Learning
Machine learning or artificial techniques has been rapidly transforming many areas related to GIS and spatial applications
Google’s PlaNet: Geolocating Photos Using Artificial Intelligence
Google and researchers at the RheinischWestfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University have developed an artificial intelligence system capable of identifying locations more consistently accurately than a human is able to do.
GIS and Artificial Intelligence Used to Build Facebook’s World Population Map
Facebook has used a combination of existing GIS data, high resolution imagery, and artificial intelligence to develop a detailed population map of the world.
Orbital Insight Shows How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Be Used to Study Images from Space
Orbital Insights has developed a “deep learning” processes which uses artificial intelligence to pull data from satellite imagery.