economic geography

Economic geography is the study of the location, distribution and spatial organization of economic activities across the world.

Geography of Fortune 1000 Companies in 2016

Caitlin Dempsey

This article takes a look at the geographic distribution of Fortune 1000 companies within the United States for 2016.

Fortune 1000 Companies List for 2016

Caitlin Dempsey

Table of Fortune 1000 companies which can be filtered to produce a list Fortune 1000 companies by state or by city.

Fortune 1000 Companies for 2013

Caitlin Dempsey

Sortable list of the top 50 Fortune 1000 companies from 2013. Fortune 1000 companies can be filtered by state.

Geography of Fortune 1000 Companies in 2013

Caitlin Dempsey

A quick look at the geography of Fortune 1000 companies in 2013. Includes a list of the Fortune 1000 rankings for 2013 which can be filtered by state.

Climate change in the Sahel has resulted in dried lakes, unemployed fishermen, droughts, flooding, conflict, and food insecurity. Map: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report on Ecosystems and Human Well-Being Desertification Synthesis.

Climate Change and Development

A.J. Rohn

Researchers with the London School of Economics and Political Science published a report as part of the Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies project that looks into reconciling economic development and poverty alleviation with climate change.