map projections
Create Custom Map Projections
Flex Projector is a free and open source, platform agnostic software application that lets users upload GIS data and create customized small scale global map projections.
Teaching Context When it Comes to Map Projections
Context is needed in teaching about distortion created by different map projections.
Geo Quiz: Which Country is Bigger?
This quiz challenges you to figure out which country is bigger based on a world map using the Mercator map projection.
The Map Projection of the United Nations’ Flag
The United Nations flag with a white map on top of a light blue background, is universally recognized. Learn about the map projection used for the logo.
Cartographic Anomalies: How Map Projections Have Shaped Our Perceptions of the World
Elizabeth Borneman explores how cartography and cartographic projections help and hinder our perception of the world.