The History of Cartography project has scanned and made available online its series “Literary Selections on Cartography.” Originally produced between 1992 and 2015 as limited edition, hand-printed literary broadsheets, the selection includes poetry and prose from a selection of authors, each accompanied by commentary on the selected piece.
While some of the earliest broadsheets were printed by former project director David Woodward (1942-2004) under Juniper Press (sheets 1–3 and 5–11), most of the 23 selections were printed by Silver Buckle Press which recently announced its move from the University of Wisconsin-Madison to the Hamilton Museum. The move was triggered by the upcoming retirement of the Press’ director, Tracy Honn and the realization that the University didn’t have the financial resources to maintain this working museum of letterpress printing. While there are no current plans to produce additional broadsheets, the History of Cartography staff have noted, ‘change is ushering in many new opportunities for outreach and education, and we eventually hope to resume the design and printing of “Literary Selections on Cartography.”’ [via]
Visit: Literary Selections on Cartography
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