Deep Space Mapping of Saharan Dust Height
Researchers used four years of measurements from a deep space satellite to calculate the average monthly heights of Saharan dust clouds.

GIS Software
Pan Sharpen Landsat Imagery in QGIS

Geography Basics
Cavum: Hole-punch Clouds

Environmental Geography
Increased Light Pollution in the Arctic

The Rise of Proglacial Lakes

Geography Basics
Extratropical Cyclones in the United States

Increased Light Pollution in the Arctic
Satellite data shows rising Arctic nighttime lights, driven by growing industrial activity in oil, gas, and infrastructure.

The Rise of Proglacial Lakes
Glacial retreat in Alaska’s Yakutat Foreland has fueled rapid growth of proglacial lakes, doubling their size in 40 years as seen in Landsat imagery.

Largest Piedmont Glacier in North America
The largest piedmont glacier in North America is found in southeastern Alaska and is known as the Malaspina Glacier.

Lenticular Clouds
Lenticular clouds are lens-shaped formations that form over mountains when moist air cools and condenses, creating smooth, often UFO-like cloud patterns.

Understanding the Increase in PyroCbs: Wildfire Thunderstorms
The phenomenon of fire-triggered thunderstorms is called pyroCbs, which is short for pyrocumulonimbus clouds.

These Two Countries are Separated by 2.4 Miles and 21 Hours
There exists a geographic point where two of the largest countries in the world are only separated by a 2.4 miles but are 21 hours apart.

Using GIS to Design Child-Friendly Cities
Using GIS, cities can design child-friendly pedestrian pathways that prioritize children’s interests and safety, promoting urban living and sustainability.