Which Country is the Least Densely Populated?

Caitlin Dempsey


Mongolia is a landlocked country situated in Northern Asia between Russian to the North and China to the south. Mongolia shares 4,630 kilometers of its border with China and 3,452 kilometers with Russia.

Geographic area of Mongolia

Mongolia has a geographic area of 1,564,116 square kilometers (603,909 square miles).  This makes Mongolia the 19th largest country in the world.  Comparatively, Mongolia is slightly smaller than Alaska and more than twice the size of Texas.

Map showing the relative size of the country of Mongolia compared to the United States.
Map showing the relative size of the country of Mongolia compared to the United States. Map:: CIA, public domain.

Population of Mongolia

According to the CIA World Facebook, the July 2015 estimated population of Mongolia was 2,992,908 people.  This population total made Mongolia the 138th most populous country in the world in 2015.

In 2021, the estimated population of Mongolia was 3,198,913 (July 2021 estimates, CIA World Facebook). Since 2015, Mongolia has climbed four spots and is now the 134th most populous country in the world.

Least Densely Populated Country in the World

The population density is the number of people living in a defined geographic area.  To find the population density of a country, the total population is divided by the total area of the country.

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For 2015, the population density of Mongolia was 1.914 people per square kilometer.  In 2021, the population increase moved the population density of Mongolia up to 2.045 people per square kilometer.

This population density is the lowest in the world, making Mongolia the least densely populated independent country in the world.

Map of Mongolia. Source: CIA, 1996.
Map of Mongolia. Source: CIA, 1996.

Mongolia’s population is sparsely dispersed throughout the country, with the capital of Ulaanbaatar and the northern city of Darhan having the highest population densities. More than half of the people lives in urban areas.

Least Densely Populated Territory in the World

Greenland, which is an autonomous administrative division (or autonomous country) within the realm of Denmark.  

Map of Greenland. Source: CIA, 2008.
Map of Greenland. Source: CIA, 2008.

With a geographic area of 2,166,086 square kilometers (836,109 square miles) and a January 1, 2016 population of  55,847, the population density is 0.0259 people per square kilometers (0.067 people per square mile).  

In 2018, the population rose slightly to 56,564 making the population density of Greenland 0.0261 per square kilometer (0.0676 people per square mile).

This makes Greenland the least densely populated territory in the world.


See Also

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About the author
Caitlin Dempsey
Caitlin Dempsey is the editor of Geography Realm and holds a master's degree in Geography from UCLA as well as a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from SJSU.