Geography of Fortune 1000 Companies in 2017

Caitlin Dempsey


Each year, Fortune Magazine puts out a list of the 1,000 top revenue earning companies for the United States. Known as the Fortune 1000 list (and Fortune 500 list for the top 500 companies), this article explores the geographic distribution of those companies.  For 2017, Walmart continues its dominance of the number one spot which the company has held since 2002 with the exception of 2006 and 2009.  This year, Berkshire Hathaway moved into the second highest US based company for revenues, up from fourth place in 2016.  This year the Regis Corporation occupies the 1,000th rank on the list. (see: Fortune 1000  list for 2017).

Each year, the geography of how Fortune 1000 companies is explored (for past years see 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013).  Which states have the highest number of Fortune 1000 companies?  Where are there clusters of Fortune 1000 companies?  Which cities are home to large numbers of Fortune 1000 companies?  Find the answers to these questions below.

Which States Have the Most Fortune 1000 Companies in 2017?

43 states along with Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico have at least one Fortune 1000 company headquarter.  California continues to be home to more than 10% of all Fortune 1000 companies with 114. This is up from 108 companies in 2016.  New York moved into second place this year with 95 companies, the same total as in 2016.  Texas fell from second to third place with 92 companies down from 100 companies.

Only five states (California, New York, Texas, Ohio, and Illinois) have more than 50 companies with headquarters.

Which States Have no Fortune 1000 Companies in 2017?

The same seven states continue to have no Fortune 1000 companies: Alaska, Maine, South Dakota, Wyoming, West Virginia, Montana, and New Mexico.

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Tile Grid Map of the Fortune 1000 Companies by State in 2017

This tile grid map categorizes the number of companies by state and includes the District of Columbia (DC) and Puerto Rico (PR).  The darker the shading, the higher the number of companies for that state.  States that are shaded gray have no Fortune 1000 companies.

An interactive map that allows the user to explore Fortune 1000 headquarter locations can be found here.

Which Cities Have the Most Fortune 1000 Companies in 2017?

New York City has the highest number of Fortune 1000 companies with 74 headquartered there.  Houston is ranked second with 35, followed by Chicago with 25.  Atlanta comes in fourth with 21.  Dallas rounds out the top five with 17 companies.  While California is a powerhouse with the overall highest number of companies, San Francisco only makes its debut at the number six spot which is shares with Columbus and St. Louis with 13 companies each.  San Jose comes is ranked ninth with 12 companies and Cleveland takes the tenth ranked spot with 11 companies.

Fortune 1000 Clusters

Many of the major metropolitan areas have clusters of Fortune 1000 companies.  For example, the Silicon Valley/East Bay area of Northern California contains 68 Fortune 1000 companies. The Fort Worth-Dallas area contains 48 Fortune 1000 companies.  262 Fortune 1000 companies stretch along the corridor from Boston, Massachusetts down to Norfolk, Virginia.

You can explore the location of Fortune 1000 companies in detail by exploring the interactive map for 2017 Fortune 1000 companies.

See Also

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About the author
Caitlin Dempsey
Caitlin Dempsey is the editor of Geography Realm and holds a master's degree in Geography from UCLA as well as a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from SJSU.