Learn to Use GIS to Map and Analyze Surface Water Data

Caitlin Dempsey


Esri Press recently published a book to teach users how to use GIS to analyze surface water using the National Hydrography Dataset produced by the USGS.

From Esri:

GIS for Surface Water grounds scientists, managers, and students in the knowledge they need to analyze surface water data using GIS. The book thoroughly examines the representation of water features and their attributes in a GIS and then turns its attention to how that data is structured in the NHD, WBD, and NHDPlus datasets. After seeing how surface water hydrography can be modeled in a GIS, readers then learn how to use these tools to solve real-world problems, including to model a chemical spill in West Virginia and protect and restore the fisheries habitat in Washington State.

With lessons on using ArcGIS, the book introduces users to federal datasets such as the USGS’s National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) and the USGS’s and Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) NHDPlus dataset in order to map and analyze surface water.  Users will learn how to trace a path of water flow and  develop flow-volume maps for river systems.

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The book is authored by Jeff Simley, a former Hydrography Program Lead for the US Geological Survey from 2006 to 2015

GIS for Surface Water: Using the National Hydrography Dataset is available in soft-cover (ISBN: 9781589484795, 488 pages, US$79.99 and digitally as an e-book (ISBN: 9781589484917, US$79.99).

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About the author
Caitlin Dempsey
Caitlin Dempsey is the editor of Geography Realm and holds a master's degree in Geography from UCLA as well as a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from SJSU.