Joining a GIS organization is a great way to network and to exchange ideas within the GIS community. There is a growing number of non-profit and industry specific groups to choose from. Browse this list to find one that meets your needs. For regional and local GIS groups, visit the GIS User Groups page.
GIS speciality group of the American Association of Geographers.
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
Professional membership society for the fields of surveying, cartography, geodesy, geographic and land information systems, and other disciplines in the spatial data information industry.
Association for Geographic Information
The national coordinating body for GIS in the United Kingdom.
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Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS)is an organization focused on furthering new developments and theories in cartography and GIS.
California Geographic Information Association
The mission of this organization is to “To Promote the Effective Use of Geographic Information in the State of California.”
Canadian Institute of Geomatics
The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) is the national, societal home for geomatics professionals, technologists and technicians and is devoted to advancing the development of geomatics in Canada.
European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (EUROGI) is an association of national and pan-European geographic information (GI) associations. EUROGI aims to maximise the effective use of geographic information for the benefit of the citizen, good governance and commerce in Europe and to represent the views of the geographic information community.
Geospatial Information and Technology Association
The mission of Geospatial Information & Technology Association is to provide excellence in education and information exchange on the use and benefits of geospatial information and technology in telecommunications, infrastructure and utility applications worldwide.
GIS Certification Institute
The purpose of the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is to provide those professionals who work in the field of geographic information systems with a formal process that will: Allow them to be recognized by their colleagues and peers for having demonstrated exemplary professional practice and integrity in the field Establish and maintain high standards of both professional practice and ethical conduct Encourage aspiring GIS professionals to work towards certification for the purpose of professional development and advancement Encourage established GIS professionals to continue to hone their professional skills and ethical performance even as GIS technology changes.
GISCI also administers one of the GIS certifications, an exam and portfolio based certification known as the GISP.
Irish Organisation for Geographic Information (IRLOGI) is the umbrella organisation for the geographical information industry in Ireland.
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
The Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) promotes networking with professionals involved in mapping and geospatial technologies and the opportunity for them to exchange ideas and experiences; address common problems and concerns; obtain advice; participate in specialized training and education; and gain recognition as qualified and competent mapping professionals.
MAPPS is a national association for private sector firms in the surveying spatial data and geographic information systems field in the United States. MAPPS mission is to “To promote the geospatial business and professionalism in its practice”.
University Consortium
Organization dedicated to advancing understanding of geographic processes and spatial relationships through improved theory, methods, technology, and data.
Urban Regional Information Systems Association
URISA is non-profit association of professionals using information technology to solve problems in planning, public works, the environment, emergency services, utilities and throughout state and local governments. URISA has a heavy GIS emphasis.
GIS User Groups
Web pages of GIS support groups. Find a local user group near you. These meetings are great ways to network and discuss GIS issues with others in the field.
I would also humbly suggest adding the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC), an organization of state and federal GIS Coordinators.
This article is very useful, I did not know the European Union has one Geospatial association.