The Paraná River runs 3,030 miles through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. It originates at the junction of the Paranaiba and the Rio Grande rivers. The Paraná travels southward and merges with the Iguazú River before reaching the Atlantic Ocean.
The geological characteristics of the environment of the Rio de la Plata are those of the Paraná River; its subsurface is complex and is linked to the evolution of the Salado River Basin, from the fracture of the supercontinent Gondwana.
The Salado River Basin evolution erased traces of any ancient geological phenomena, so that in the present geomorphological configuration is recorded almost exclusively for the Pliocene-Pleistocene-Holocene age, for the last 3 million years. The features mainly reflect the response to climate change, regional or global, which produced successive marine transgressions and regressions in sea level. Studies reveal a complex interplay of factors, which included variations in sea level, which occurred during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Age, and the dynamics of sediments and hydrometeorology. The sediments here are fine and silty (Torra, R. 2006).
References for the Paraná River
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Japas, S., Urbina, N., Sruoga, P., and Garrad, C. (unknown date). La Carolina pull-apart in Western Tertiaty Volcanic Belt, Pampean Flat-slab (33º S), Argetina. Retrieved on 1/12/2012 from
Schulz, W., and Vilanova, E., (unknown date). Geomorphological and paleocological invetigations at the Laguna Nassau, Pampa Seca, Argentina. Retrieved on 1/12/2012 from
Torra, R., (2006). A stratigraphical-geochemical study on the Chaco Paraná continental rift basin—An approach study based on regional sedimentology and drill-hole core analyses, South America. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry. 25 (3), 195-215.