A lot of buzz has been generated by the recently released Equal Earth map projection. This map projection was developed by Bojan Šavrič, Tom Patterson, and Bernhard Jenny with the aim of maintaining accurate area while limiting the extent of distortion to landmasses (unlike the Mercator projection). The map projection has generated a lot of positive reception and many GIS and geospatial software applications are beginning to include it as part of the overall catalogue of available map projections.
It might be some months before the Equal Earth projection is available in QGIS (of which the most recent releases are using an earlier version of PROJ4) and ArcGIS. Listed below are other mapping resources that have already incorporated Equal Earth. If a resources is missing here, please email information about it to editor@gislounge.com.
Mike Bostock has posted the source code for using Equal Earth in D3.
Flex Projector
This free custom map projection software includes parameters for the Equal Earth map projection (more: Create Custom Map Projections).
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Maptitude mapping software supports import and export of data in most projections and coordinate systems, including modern definitions such as Equal Earth, Natural Earth, Natural Earth II, and Patterson.
PROJ4 is an open source coordinate transformation software that can convert geospatial coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another. Version 5.2.0 of PROJ4 includes the Equal Earth projection which can be downloaded here.
You can incorporate Equal Earth with the open source statistical package R by following this documentation by Matt Strimas-Mackey: Using the new Equal Earth projection in R.