Devon Reeser
The Cultural Geography of Carnival Celebrations around the World
Discover how local pagan and indigenous traditions blend into unique Carnival celebrations in Brazil, New Orleans, Quebec, Italy, and Russia.

Economic Geography of Your Valentine’s Day Chocolate
Americans spent $700 million on chocolate treats for Valentine’s Day in 2014.

Why Development Aid Projects Must First Factor Local Culture
Why do some multi-million dollar aid projects fail? The aid itself is not generally the problem, but the lack of local, geographic specific cultural analysis in planning and implementation is most often to blame.
Eight Ways Your Geographic Skills Enhance Your Resume
Geographers or anyone with a history of geography education or practice have special skills that can enhance their resumes across nearly all career options. From GIS skills to graphic design to multiculturalism, here are eight ways to market your geography experience as viable job skills.

How Rapid Urbanization Threatens Human Populations: Three Effects of a Moving World
The dramatic shift of the earth’s human population to cities is not only straining urban infrastructures, but also the human population itself. Three significant human threats resulting from rapid urbanization in developing countries are increased intense agriculture from the commoditization of food, rising diabetes and heart disease rates, and brain waste of our global youth.