historical geography
Review | The Eternal City: A History of Rome in Maps
When you finish this delight of a book, you feel that the history of the mapping of Rome can stand as the very paradigm of the history of pre-digital cartography itself.
Mapping the Transportation Network of the Roman World
ORBIS is a mapping project developed by researchers at Stanford that reconstructs the financial and spatial challenges of transporting goods and people during Roman times about 200 CE.
Mapping Mediterranean UNESCO World Heritage Sea-level Rise Flood Risk
A Kiel University study has shown that some World Heritage Sites are at risk for damage in the face of changing sea level from climate change.
Review | Medieval Ireland
Medieval Ireland is Clare Downham's comprehensive synthesis of the current state-of-play of the history of medieval Ireland, 400-1500 A.D.
Where to Find GIS Data for Historical Country Boundaries
Finding historical GIS data can be hard to find. Listed here are available sites that offer historical country data in GIS file formats.