Jeff Oppong

Jeff Oppong holds a BSc in Geomatic Engineering and currently a graduate student at Hohai University in China, where he's studying MSc. Harbor, Coastal, and Offshore Engineering. Jeff is a prolific researcher and a GIS/Remote sensing expert who aspires to be a change-agent and a renowned Engineer. Jeff Oppong can be contacted via email
Screenshot showing three parts of the screen of QField to collect field data.

Collecting GIS Data in the Field Using QGIS and QField

Jeff Oppong

This QGIS tutorial takes you through the steps to synchronize a map project with QField in order to collect GIS data using a mobile device.

Map showing a gradient from bright yellow to deep red to show increase or decrease.

Change Detection Using Kernel Density Analysis in ArcGIS Pro

Jeff Oppong

This GIS tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for how to use two point datasets to detect changes in ArcGIS Pro using kernel density.

A screenshot showing a georeferenced map on top of a satellite image of the Nile River area.

Georeferencing Scanned Maps in QGIS Using Graticules

Jeff Oppong

This GIS tutorial teaches you how to assign geographic coordinates to a scanned map in QGIS using a process known as georeferencing.

A screenshot showing green gradient elevation points on top of a raster layer with a yellow to dark red elevation gradient.

Using interpolation to create a surface layer with contours in QGIS

Jeff Oppong

This GIS tutorial shows you how to find elevation data points and create a surface layer and contours using QGIS.

Screenshot showing a project in QGIS with a grayscale digital elevation model and an elevation profile.

Creating Elevation Cross-Section Profiles with QGIS

Jeff Oppong

Learn to create elevation cross-sections in QGIS with the Profile Tool plugin and SRTM elevation data.

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